Episode 38: St. Patty's Day in B-Lo w/ Special Guest, Our BFF Kelly!!!!!!
Slainte!!!! It's that time of the year in the B-LO... it's St. Patrick's Day time!!! And here to discuss all things Irish is Cass & Kath's resident BFF Kelly!! With so many Irish families in Buffalo, this holiday has been near and dear to everyone's hearts for generations. Kath and Kelly gush over their Irish background, and childhood traditions including St.Patty's brunches, kegs & eggs and lots and lots of green! Then all will be surprised to hear our BIBLO gal Cassie never celebrated St. Pat's growing up!!!! Never even been to the parade!! It's hard to believe!!! So Kath & Kel try to convince her to go by sharing all their FUN CRAZY parade stories!! One even involving a classic "reactive rover" moment from Kath. So grab a green beer, throw on your green ‘fit, blast Flogging Molly, and get ready for the best time of the year!!! 'Cause EVERYONE is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!!!
Celebrate St. Pat's the right way!!
The Buffalo Irish Center, www.buffaloirishcenter.com IG @buffaloirishcenter
Delaware St. Patrick's Day Parade, Sunday March 19th @ 2PM, more details here --> www.buffalostpatricksdayparade.com
Jack Rabbit, Parade After Party, @jackrabbitbuffalo