Episode 37: Social Media Pros, Cons & Craziness!
These are the days of our lives… on social media!! The gals kick off the episode with a little catching up, then do a major deep dive into all things social media. Everyone typically only hears about the negative influences, but c’mon now people, there’s lots of positives too!! Between instant connecting with old friends, special interests, funny videos and validating experiences, it’s all what you make it. Esp for Cassie when she connects with fellow booger pickers and eaters around the world… she’s not the only booger eater!!
The gals also explore the negatives, both for our generation, and the younger ones too. How do you manage it all as a parent for those raising gen alpha?! The comparisons are endless and can be toxic, so it’s important to remember, you never know what’s going on behind that camera!!! The gals even discuss younger girls faking private jet rides, what!!!!!??? It’s hard to fully sign off on that craziness, but hey, as long as you’re having fun and everyone can learn how to check their mindset, it’s so much easier to block out the bad and enjoy the good! And when all else fails… unfollow!!!
Buffalo Kitchen Club - @buffalokitchenclub